The Theming Company

Uniquely Crafted
Perfectly Tailored
Seating Solutions

  • Client: Private
  • Year: 2022

  • PLAN



TT.CO understand that one of the biggest challenges in creating seating solutions is making sure they fit the space they are intended for. That’s why we take a highly customised approach to creating seating that fits perfectly in any space.

First, we start by getting to know the space in question. We’ll work with you to gather information about the size and shape of the room, the intended use of the space, and any other factors that may influence the design of the seating.

From there, we’ll develop a design concept that takes into account the specific dimensions of the space. We may use digital tools to create 3D models or mockups to help visualize how the seating will fit in the space.

Once the design is finalised, we’ll get to work creating the seating solution. We use only the highest-quality materials and construction methods to ensure that the seating is not only beautiful, but also built to last.

Throughout the process, we prioritise open communication and collaboration with our clients. We’ll keep you informed and involved in every step of the process, from the initial design concept to the final installation.

The end result is seating that is perfectly tailored to the space it was designed for. Whether you need seating for a commercial space, a residential project, or a public area, we can create a solution that fits your needs and your space.


TT.CO manufacture and install quality custom booths, banquettes and settees for restaurants, hospitality, lounges, bars, educational institutions, retail spaces and many other commercial AND EVEN residential settings. We proudly boast over 35 years of experience in designing, engineering, and producing custom seating options for clients in the UK.

Are you looking for custom booths for your space? We’d love to help! Schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss your project with one of our team.

At every step of the way, we prioritise open communication and collaboration, ensuring that you are always informed and involved in the process. Our goal is to create a seating solution that not only meets your needs, but exceeds your expectations.

Thank you for considering our company for your custom seating needs. We look forward to working with you to create a beautiful, functional, and truly bespoke seating solution.



Another hallmark of our bench seating work is our commitment to customization. We understand that every space is unique, and that one-size-fits-all solutions simply won’t do. That’s why we work closely with our clients to create bench seating that is tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Whether you need a bench seating solution that is extra long or extra wide, that incorporates specific materials or finishes, or that features unique design elements, we can make it happen.

Finally, our bench seating work is always informed by our passion for creativity and innovation. We believe that furniture should be more than just functional; it should also be beautiful, inspiring, and thought-provoking. That’s why we work with a range of styles and design elements, from traditional to modern to avant-garde, to create bench seating that is truly one-of-a-kind.

Custom Seating Solutions Tailored to Your Unique Style and Needs

Custom seating solutions offer a unique opportunity to create seating arrangements that are perfectly tailored to your needs and preferences.

They are a true reflection of your style and personality, and can provide a comfortable and functional seating experience that is unlike any other.

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